Mandated by the provincial government, Alberta Pork’s swine traceability system will be implemented January 1st and be operational June 2010, initially tracking movement from farm-to-slaughter.
The second phase will begin tracking all swine movement, including farm-to-farm, import and export, but this will not occur until the basic system is working smoothly.
The traceability system will function on the timely information provided by a paper manifest. The manifest is filled out by the producer with a copy staying on-farm, then travels with the swine to the packer, and once received the mandated information is forwarded to the provincial database by the packer and stored digitally. Movement data will be uploaded into the national system on a regular basis.
The mandatory information fields of the manifest include:
• Date & time of movement
• Pig type
• Premise ID of shipment origin
• Premise ID of destination
• Premise tattoo number
• Producer registration number
• Individual animal ID if required (export slaughter sows)
• Number of animals shipped
• Number of animals received
• Conveyance identifier (trailer license, transport license)