Scottish pig farming sees increase in quality premium payment

12-07-2011 | |

Underlining its real commitment to Scottish pig farming, Asda, in partnership with Vion Food Group and Scottish Pig Producers Limited, has announced an increase in its quality premium payment to four pence per kilo for those pigs meeting the prescribed quality criteria. This not only rewards quality producers, but also recognises the financial pressures currently faced by Scottish pig farmers.

Since the launch of the Asda Porklink scheme at the Royal Highland Show in 2009, more than 300,000 Scottish pigs have qualified for the Asda quality premium – to the direct benefit of Scottish pig farmers. This latest announcement is the next phase in the ongoing development of the scheme that has also seen the introduction of the pig feed price supplement, which, in the first three months alone, has pumped in an extra 250,000 pounds into the industry. The development programme has also seen the introduction of Vion’s FarmingNet management information system, designed to help improve farming efficiencies. 
Asda Senior Red Meat Trader, Jim Viggars, commented: “We are passionate about rewarding quality, as this is a key driver in satisfying consumer expectations. We recognise that it has been difficult for the British pig sector of late, and this announcement is another example of Asda’s commitment to ensuring a sustainable future for British pig farming.”  
Sandy Howie, Chairman of Scottish Pig Producers Limited, added: “Our producers are delighted with the ongoing commitment shown by both Asda and Vion with the news of this enhancement to the Porklink scheme. This allows our members to remain optimistic for the future and further invest in the industry.”  
Related websites:
Vion Foods

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