A new piglet feed has been developed which includes ear necrosis and ear biting through the addition of comforting elements, extra antioxidants and specific raw materials.
The feed, available in pellets and crumbs, is developed and marketed by Dutch animal nutrition cooperative Cehave Landbouwbelang Feeds. The ingredients cause the piglets to get a quiet, satisfied feeling, be less aggressive and have more resistance.
n a press release, the cooperative states that feeding is important in the piglets’ resistance and health. “Good piglet feed prevents a weaning dip, is easily digestible and produces a high and healthy growth. Pig producers who will use the new compound feed in this year’s fall will combat ear biting and ear necrosis at its very source. Infected ears will dry quickly and the piglets will leave each other alone.”
The crumbs and pellets (‘Speciaal’) will be useful for piglets up to approximately 25 kg body weight.
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