The Netherlands will most likely be officially declared free of Aujeszky’s Disease as from January 1st, 2009.
Achieving this so-called Arcticle 10 is the end of a long road to get rid of an endemic disease. Before the programme was started that dealt with the disease, there was an annual cost price of €15 million. The vaccination programme also cost the industry money, both collectively and individually – approximately €30 million.
Over the last few years, having an Article 9-status, the programme cost approximately €20 million every year. Soon, however, the rewards will be the following:
• no loss of production
• no additional veterinary costs
• no infections in other animal species
• no vaccination costs
• no certification costs
• lower administrative costs
• no export research
Prevention will now receive high priority in the Netherlands as the status needs to be maintained.
Related website
• European Commission