Majority of US pork producers feel they are on the right track

28-03-2012 | |

Results of the National Pork Board’s annual producer survey indicate that the United States’ pork producers are satisfied with the way things are going in the pork industry. About two-thirds say things are generally on the ‘right track’.

The survey results were provided by Mike Wegner, vice president of communications for the Pork Checkoff, in the latest issue of Pork Checkoff Report magazine.

When asked ‘Do you think things in the pork industry are generally going in the right direction, only 16% of the producers said things were on the ‘wrong track’, with 8% having no opinion. The number of producers who said to be on the right track is the highest in the last decade.

In a random telephone survey, when asked if they supported or opposed the Pork Checkoff, producers showed the highest support ever, with 82% saying yes and only 8% opposed, and 10% having no opinion.

Positive public image
About 58% of producers said that they believe they enjoy a positive public image, with 20% saying that they suffer a negative image. When asked how their image compares to others in production agriculture, producers indicated their image was quite a bit better than poultry farmers, but worse than organic farmers and corn and soybean growers.

Asked for their biggest challenge, 16% of pork producers named high feed costs, 15% mentioned hog health and diseases. The remainder, Wegner wrote, “is fairly evenly divided among about a half a dozen concerns”.

Some other figures to close off: About 40% of US pork producers use a smartphone or computer pad to connect to the Internet; about 15% of pork producers indicated to increase the number of hogs marketed in 2012; 77% expect no change at all.

Related web site:

National Pork Board

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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