Linseed increases Omega-3 in pigmeat

16-11-2007 | |
Linseed increases Omega-3  in pigmeat

Swiss food producer Traitafina AG has succeeded in increasing Omega-3 fatty acids in pigmeat.

In preparation for the Igeho (International Trade Fair for the Hotel Industry and Gastronomy) from November 17-20 in Basel, the company presented its so-called “SwissPrimGourmet” pigmeat which contains a higher amount of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Linseed in pig feed mix
By adding a linseed concentrate to the pigs’ feed, the build up of Omega-3 fatty acids can be promoted. Fat in milk, meat and eggs contains less Omega-3 fatty acids today than 50 years ago. The reason for this decrease, according to Traitafina, is the increase in usage of corn and grain in animal feed. Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be created by the human body, but are very important for good health as they help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow.

Related websites:

• Igeho (in German)

• Traitafina AG

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