Chinese government clamps down even more on illegal substances in pig feed

22-03-2011 | |
Chinese government clamps down even more on illegal substances in pig feed

Henan’s authories have been ordered by a Chinese government taskforce to clamp down even more on the use of illegal substances in animal feed.

This action has been sparked by the recent headlines that exposed pigs being fed the illegal drug clenbuterol/ ractopine in order to produce leaner pig meat. Leaner meat brings in more money for producers as the price charged for the meat could be tagged as higher.
Severe punishment
A spokesperson stated that ‘those who deliberately add substances harmful to humans to pig food should be severely punished, and further added that local food safety officers who were negligent in their duties or involved in conspiring with illegal additive producers or pig farmers should also be punished in accordance with the law,’ said a report by
It has further been discovered that a subsidiary of China’s largest meat processor Shuanghui Group used clenbuterol tainted pork in its meat products.
According to the Henan provincial government, new inspections are underway to focus on other additives such as ractopamine and salbutamol, which were used as alternatives to clenbuterol but were neglected in the first inspections that were carried out.

These chemicals are poisonous to humans when consumed.



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