BPEX: Performance indicators updated
The latest Key Performance Indicator results for the 12 months to December 2010 reflect the challenges the industry faced with a long, warm summer sandwiched by severely cold weather at the start and end of the year.
Producers coped well with the challenging weather in terms of keeping a continued supply chain and maintaining a sustained supply of target spec pigs. This was most likely achieved through increased labour and increased costs. There was ultimately an impact on many of the key performance measurements.
Breeding Units
One observation is that in general the top third of producers increased the gap between themselves and the average producer. For example, for indoor breeding herds, the top third produced three per cent more pigs per sow per year at 26.4 pigs while the average producer improved by one per cent to 23.0 pigs. In outdoor herds pre-weaning mortality declined three per cent for top third producers although the average producer mortality increased four per cent.
Rearing Units
Rearing herd performance was considerably better in the 12 months to December 2010 with improvements across many of the main indicators. Pigs were introduced at lighter weights and, although lighter pigs were produced, the average sale value of each pig increased. The effect of increased feed costs has also become more prominent in the 12 month data.
Finishing Units
Slightly heavier pigs were produced in the 12 month to 31 December compared with a year earlier although mortality increased. Interestingly, mortality amongst the top third of producers was greater than that among the average. Average sale value declined across the board for finished pigs, in line with DAPP movements.
Rearing and Finishing Units
Daily liveweight gains were notably lower in 2010 compared with a year earlier. Top third producers achieved 676g per day compared with 721g in 2009.
The above just encapsulates a few snippets from all the information available. If you would like to view the results please visit the BPEX website at the link below. There, you can compare top 10%, top third and average producers, you can enter your own information against the industry averages and you can also download the information to keep on file with your own records.
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