VIV Asia postponed until January 2022

01-04-2021 | |
Snapshot of VIV Asia 2019, the last edition that was held of the show so far. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek
Snapshot of VIV Asia 2019, the last edition that was held of the show so far. - Photo: Vincent ter Beek

International trade shows VIV Asia and Meat Pro Asia have been postponed to 12-14 January 2022, in the context of Covid-19. The shows were originally scheduled to take place in September 2021.

Meat Pro Asia will be co-located with VIV Asia at the Challenger Halls in the Impact conference centre, Bangkok, Thailand. The decision was based on the announcement by the Thai ministry of tourism and sports on a new 4-phase plan that would see the country fully opened to international visitors by January 2022.

Heiko M. Stutzinger, director VIV worldwide and managing director VNU Asia Pacific and VNU Europe said, “Our new dates and plan are aligned with the announcement from the Thai government to fully reopen by January 2022.”

VIV Asia and Victam Asia

Now the international feed exhibition show Victam Asia has also been planned to take place in January 2022 – from 18-20 January to be precise. This event was postponed from March 2020 and is scheduled to take place in the Bitec exhibition centre, also in Bangkok. VIV had already been planning to add ‘Animal Health and Nutrition” component to that event.

The global, virtual ‘All About Feed Forum’ brings together industry leaders to share their knowledge, get acquainted with each other and with other parts of the industry. Register now!

The show events are in ongoing talks to see if there can be more alignment between the January Victam and VIV Asia. Stutzinger said, “As for Victam and Animal Health and Nutrition Asia, the organizers are working on a forward-driven solution in order to synergistically combine the events in Bangkok. All details and implications for partners and customers regarding the new set-up will be communicated in the coming weeks.”

VIV Asia digital event in 2021

Prior to the in-person trade shows in January next year, VIV Asia and Meat Pro Asia will organise a digital event in September 2021. Exhibiting companies will be invited to join buyers and visitors online during this year. Networking and knowledge sharing sessions will also be facilitated through the platform. More details on the digital dates will follow.

Van Dijk
Zana Van Dijk Editor Dairy Global