Pig Progress is proud to announce is latest webinar on Thursday March 11, at 15pm Central European Time, organised by Adisseo.
It is never enough, is it? We’re talking about sow lactation feed intake. Oftentimes as things change the more that they stay the same and so it seems here. We are always wanting more. Adisseo’s entry into the swine market in North America gives us access to Dr. Mark Giesemann. We will talk about the challenges regarding sow lactation feed intake and discuss impacting factors and approved practices. Also Dr. Giesemann will inform about Adisseo’s ability to serve through their products and services. Sows eat more when KRAVE® AP is in their feed. ROVABIO® helps sows digest more nutrients, lose less weight and give more milk. Dr. Giesemann plans on making time for questions and discussion. We look forward to interacting with you there.
Register here:

Mark Giesemann, Swine Technical Manager USA at Adisseo
“Improving feed intake and reducing body weight loss of sows during lactation”
- Defining the problem – why is lactation feed intake important?
- Factors affecting sow lactation feed intake
- Management practices to improve sow lactation feed intake
- Interventions to help lactating sows

Vincent ter Beek, Host and Chief Editor Pig Progress
