How to achieve a further reduction of antibiotics in pigs and at the same time not use zinc oxide either? That question will be key in a webinar on antibiotic reduction, taking place on Tuesday December 7, at 3pm CET. The webinar is aimed at a global audience and organised by Pig Progress. Background of the webinar is the fact that these days, the international trend is to bring the use of curative antibiotics as far down as possible – with in the EU an additional difficulty being added that therapeutic levels of zinc oxide can no longer be used as from 2022 too. With the withdrawal of large amounts of antibiotics, however, it becomes extra clear in which situations the animals require a bit of extra care. In this webinar speakers will explore various ways in which pigs can be helped so they manage to grow healthily without the usage of antibiotics.
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Dr. Albert van Dijk, PhD, DVM, Senior Consultant Swine Nutrition
“Antibiotic reduction in pigs”
- Development antibiotic use in pigs before and after 2006 (ban of antimicrobial growth promotors in the EU)
- Mode of action of antibiotics (AMGP’s, therapeutical antibiotics)
- Antibiotics are less effective in case of good farm management, hygiene and biosecurity
- Alternative additives for antibiotics (organic acids, MCFA, essential oils etc.)
- Nutritional concepts that can replace antibiotics (lowering crude protein in feed, functional fibres etc.)

José Maria Ros Felip, Global Technical Manager at Perstorp Animal Nutrition
“Why a healthy gut is the preferred way to performance”
- Antibiotics: the quick fix
- Gut health: the long-term solution
- How tributyrins can help

Daniel Šperling, DVM PhD, Swine corporate technical manager at Ceva Santé Animale
“Vaccination against Edema disease: effective strategy for reduction of antibiotics and ZnO use”
- ED disease: characteristic and its impact on production and performance’
- Current EU perspective on use of ATB (categorization of ATB and ban of ZnO) and its implications
- Effect of vaccination against ED on reduction of ATB and ZnO- studies

Vincent ter Beek, Host and Editor Pig Progress
