Aragón region wins in Spanish pig awards ceremony

Spanish pig awards
Photos: Premios Porc d'Or

The Aragón region has become the big winner in the 30th edition of the “Porc d’Or” awards in Spain, praising the best-performing pig farms in Europe’s largest and most important pig country.

Aragón managed to secure 13 prizes (4 gold, 3 silver and 5 bronze, as well as the sustainability award). Around 1,000 attendees saw the regions Catalonia and Galicia end up to be runners-up with 9 awards each. Other regions to win prizes were Castilla y León (6 awards), Navarra (2), La Rioja (2) and Castilla-La Mancha (1). 43 prizes in total were handed out, in numerous different categories for criteria including litter size, longevity and productivity.

The award ceremony was held in Lleida, north eastern Spain, on October 20. The “Porc d’Or” (Golden Pig) gala is organised every year by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), which is headquartered in Barcelona. The award ceremony is supported by Ceva as well as Interporc.

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Porc d’Or with Diamond

The Porc d’Or with Diamond – considered to be the highest award – went to the farm “Granja Solallong,” owned by Joaquim Rovira Baucells, which is located near Sora, Barcelona province, in Catalonia. The jury heralded its brilliant productive data which were maintained over time, its census balance, the excellent renovation and expansion of its facilities throughout these years, the meticulous animal management and the professionalism and dedication of its human team.

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Sustainability award

The award for sustainability went to the farm Laguarres-Agropecuaria del Isábena, owned by Piensos Mazana. According to the jury, this farm in Huesca province, Aragón community, stands out “for its excellent facilities, biosecurity measures, optimal welfare and animal health conditions and improvements made in environmental matters.”

This award is handed is handed out by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) to a farm that stands out above the rest in Animal Health and welfare and respect for the environment.

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One Health Award

New this year was the “One Health Award,” sponsored by Ceva Animal Health, which went to the province of Segovia in Castilla y León region. Recipient of this award was Josvi Tejares farm, from SAT Hermanos Chico, located in Tejares de Fuentidueña in the province of Segovia in Castilla y León region. The jury praised excellent work implemented consistently and actively, a wide set of prevention measures that has allowed them to maintain a high health status throughout its 25 years of history as well as a prudent use of antibiotics in 2022. The jury also pointed to entrepreneurial mentality of the project leaders in areas of management, biosecurity, prevention, welfare and training.

Another novelty this year was an award for “lactation management,” for farms with high reproduction rate which stand out with high piglet survival rates during lactation. This prize was awarded to 4 farms in all contending categories.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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