Year after year again, it becomes clearer how important a healthy gut is for pigs. After all, intensive antibiotics use is increasingly being discouraged all over the planet, and Asia is no exception in that sense. For that reason, it is vital to make sure that the animals are well prepared in all possible ways, to be as robust as possible and manage to get through any health challenge they might face. The Pig Progress “Gut Health” seminar at VIV Asia 2025 will discuss various strategies to help producers make sure that pigs are as healthy as they possibly can be. We look forward to seeing you at 4pm at Wednesday, March 12 in room Jupiter 7.


Asst.Prof.Dr. Alongkot boonsoongnern
Lecturer, Department of Farm Resources and Production Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University

How to manipulate Gut Health in Pigs to Reduce Antibiotics Use in Thailand

  • Gut health plays a crucial role in reducing antibiotic use in Thai pig farms
  • Proper gilt and sow management is essential for promoting gut health in piglets
  • Creep feed intake techniques to improve nursery gut health
  • The correlation between gut microbiota and intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP)

野口洋子 Yoko Noguchi
Technical Service Manager North Asia at IFF

Boosting piglet gut health

  • Join us for an insightful presentation on enhancing piglet performance through optimal gut health. 
  • Discover the latest advancements in probiotics and how they can help establish and maintain a balanced microbiota in the gut. 
  • Learn how these probiotics support optimal gut function, leading to overall performance in piglets.

Dr. Rutger Jansen
Sr. Technical Service Manager at Boehringer Ingelheim

Gel vaccination: a novel way for swine mass immunization

  • Application of oral vaccination by using a gel
  • Easy and fast way of vaccination before weaning
  • The future of mass vaccination



Sustainability in swine production could mean something else for everybody. It could be related to good stockmanship, to taking responsibility, to care for future generations and to the environment. Or all of them together. What is emphasised, depends highly on the speaker. In this Pig Progress seminar various speakers will explore the concept of sustainability and will explain what can be done to produce pigs in a more sustainable fashion. That will come with ideas, examples and tips & tricks to produce more sustainably.


Sakdid Anulomsombat
Vice President – Corporate Innovation Office at Betagro Public Company Limited

The importance of sustainability in Betagro’s pork business.

Lea Hübertz Birch Hansen, PhD
Global Technical Product Manager, Swine at Novonesis

Leveraging microbial solutions for sustainable pig farming

  • Key sustainability metrics in pig farming
  • The role of microbial solutions in promoting sustainable pig production
  • Leveraging microbial solutions for ingredient substitution without compromising efficiency
  • Reducing emissions through microbial solutions

Dr. Grant Walling
Technical Business Developer Asia at Topigs Norsvin

Profiting from sustainable swine genetics

  • Swine Breeding goals have historically been based on the economics of the pork supply chain
  • When including sustainability through CO2 emissions within the breeding goal the relative importance of the traits in the selection index changes
  • Perhaps surprisingly these changes do not necessarily mean increased costs for pig producers but does require priorities to be changed
  • Work of some breeding companies is now addressing these priorities
  • Businesses may wish to refocus their KPIs to reflect the importance of sustainability
  • Consumers may have to accept changes in the final pork product to accommodate sustainability goals.


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