US: Swine waste to produce biogas

10-12-2010 | | |

Hoffland Environmental Inc. (HEI) has officially announced its construction of a renewable energy project on ten acres of land near Freemont, North Carolina near Goldsboro. The project is being built on land leased from White Oaks Farm and utilising the farm’s hog manure as fuel.

According to HEI President, Robert O. Hoffland, “Using our Bio ‘Lec process, HEI has successfully been generating electricity for three years in Europe, and, now we are moving our patented technology into the United States.”
The project (known as Hoffland Biogas) began on 1 June 2010 with an environmental assessment. Road construction was undertaken to serve the site with the design and installation of a ramp and holding area to receive additional biomass such as poultry litter and silage. Hoffland says: “The process utilises a state-of-the-art system of anaerobic digestion to create a biogas that, in turn, is cleaned and sent to an engine/generator that supplies power to the grid.” Grid lines are owned by Tri-county Electric, a cooperative that offers NC GREENPOWER service.
The HEI technology turns a waste product into a green fuel while reducing offensive odours and also producing usable irrigation water that meets permitted standards.This water contains major fertiliser ingredients and also micronutrients. There is no air pollution, and, solid waste is handled on site.
Hoffland Environmental Inc. is a firm specialising in environmental-friendly process design and in the manufacture and installation of water pollution control equipment. The firm has over three thousand successful projects in the United States, Mexico, Canada and overseas.  
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