Much has been achieved since the launch of the 20:20 Pig Health and Welfare Strategy in 2011 but there are still many challenges to be faced is the verdict in the annual report of the Pig Health and Welfare Council (PHWC).
The report was launched by farming Minister David Heath at an industry breakfast held in the House of Commons.
The PHWC is a cross-industry alliance representing every stage of pig production from “farm to fork”, which aims to promote a co-ordinated and integrated approach to improving pig health and welfare.
Some of the key points highlighted in the report are:
• The Pig Health Improvement Project, a core driver for improvement
• The focus on the responsible use of antimicrobials which is becoming ever more important
• Knowledge transfer which is key to improve training and stockman skills
• Horizon scanning to identify threats from new and emerging diseases.
Chairman Prof Jim Scudamore said: “A great deal has already been achieved but there remain many challenges to be faced in the coming years. One of the most important issues is to establish the current performance baselines in a number of areas, especially in relation to health and welfare outcomes.
“Once the baselines are agreed and are scientifically sound, the next stage will be to agree practical, cost-effective, clear and achievable targets to improve health and welfare.
“It is important to develop clear targets and to describe how those targets will be measured. This will be an important activity for the PHWC in 2013.”
The report can be downloaded here.