Coming soon: Webinar about supporting piglets at weaning

14-06-2024 | |
Coming soon: Webinar about supporting piglets at weaning

Undoubtedly, one of the most vulnerable moments in a pig’s life is weaning. With antibiotics and zinc oxide increasingly being phased out around the world, producers increasingly are faced with the question: how to prepare, support and help piglets at weaning? A Pig Progress webinar on Thursday, June 20, aims to address that question.

Click here to register for this free webinar

The webinar, which can be attended free of charge, will start at 3pm and will be broadcasted live from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In total 3 expert speakers will address the audience, with all being available for questions and answers afterwards.

Jan Fledderus, MSc, Schothorst Feed Research

Jan Fledderus is senior consultant and product manager swine at Schothorst Feed Research in the Netherlands. His presentation will focus on developments in piglet nutrition around weaning.

He will answer the question how to increase the percentage of piglets that consumed feed before weaning, discuss the effect of weaning age on successful weaning and also look at the effect of diet composition on health and growth performance of the piglets after weaning.

Dr Lea Hübertz Birch Hansen, Novonesis

Next on will be Dr Lea Hübertz Birch Hansen, global technical product manager swine at Novonesis. Her presentation will revolve around Bacillus-based probiotics as a prophylactic strategy to overcome weaning challenges. Her presentation zooms in on the background on post-weaning challenges, and she will have specifical attention for diarrhoea caused by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), and how probiotics can act as a prophylactic strategy. She will also discuss a low protein concept as a strategy to maintain the robustness of newly weaned pigs.

Dr Patrick Pageat, Signs Laboratory

On behalf of Signs Laboratory, Dr Patrick Pageat will speak. He is the founder and scientific and technical manager of the lab, which is part of the French Irsea Group. He will explain more about the pig appeasing pheromone and how this plays a role with welfare and performance at weaning. He will discuss how pheromones can be used as natural tools to facilitate adaptation of different situations. Thus, he will explain how the pig appeasing pheromone improves welfare, optimises the expression of genetic potential for growth and promotes positive interactions in weaning and in the overall pig production system.

Starting moment of webinar “Weaning”

The starting time of the webinar corresponds with the following moments in other time zones:

  • Des Moines, IA, United States: 8am
  • New York, NY, United States: 9am
  • São Paulo, Brazil: 10am
  • London, UK: 2pm
  • Kyiv, Ukraine: 4pm
  • Bangkok, Thailand: 8pm
  • Beijing, China: 9pm
  • Tokyo, Japan: 10pm
  • Melbourne, Australia: 11pm

Click here to register for this free webinar

ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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