New Japfa-Hypor jv to build 700 sow breeding unit

10-05-2012 | | |
New Japfa-Hypor jv to build 700 sow breeding unit

Vietnam’s animal feed producer Japfa Comfeed Long An and swine genetics company Hypor have finalised their joint venture at the end of April. A 700 sow high health pig breeding unit will be established in Vietnam.

The new 700 sow nucleus farm is planned to be ready this summer. In August/ September 2012 a shipment of Hypor great grand parent breeding animals, consisting of the two dam lines Hypor Large White and Landrace and the sire lines Hypor Maxter and Magnus, will populate the farm.

The nucleus farm will produce reproduction pigs and semen for the needs of Japfa’s own pig production. Alongside a sales and service organisation will be set up to commercialise gilts and semen in the Vietnamese market.

Breeding programme
Raf Beeren, managing director, Hypor stated: “The combination of strengths of both partners guarantees a successful breeding program mein Vietnam. Together we will ensure that the potential of our genetics will be realised within Japfa’s production system and at the Vietnamese commercial pig producers.”

Tan Yong Nang, director and COO, Japfa, added, “The last four years the quality of the Hypor genetics and team has proven its value to Japfa. The joint venture is a logical extension of this successful collaboration, but also the start of an ambitious growth scenario. We are rapidly expanding our production base and plans have been finalized for the construction of three AI stations for future distribution of Hypor Magnus and Maxter semen.”

Vietnam is one of the fastest growing markets for pork production in Asia.

Related websites:
Japfa Comfeed


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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world