Hamlet Protein discusses 40 piglets per sow per year

03-10-2014 | | |
Hamlet Protein discusses 40 piglets per sow per year
Hamlet Protein discusses 40 piglets per sow per year

Danish animal nutrition company Hamlet Protein will address the exciting theme of how to reach 40 piglets per sow per year at the upcoming edition of EuroTier, in Hanover, Germany.

The company will address the topic during a seminar called ‘Feed Your Brain’. One of the key speakers will be Claes Pasgaard Erlang, a Danish pork producer who may hold the world record as he reached the 40 piglets/sow/year boundary in summer 2014. He will tell about his principles and methods.

In addition, Sanke Møller of the Danish Pig Research Centre will also address the audience. He is an expert on feeding and nutrition of weaners and finishers and will share his insights on piglet feeding from a Danish perspective – especially after weaning.

After a break, Professor Zehava Uni, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel will address the audience. She is an expert about the digestive system of chickens, and how feed and specific nutrients can influence this. She will present her view on how to feed newly hatched chicks.

The event will be held on November 11, from 3-5 pm, in Convention Center room ‘Berlin’, which is located next to Hall 16. Sign up for it here.

EuroTier will be held 11 – 14 November in Hanover, Germany.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world