PHOTO REPORT: Anderson Farms, US

12-03-2014 | |
Plenty of space for the seven sows and about 100 grow-finishers. The area, far away from any other pig farm, is about 48 acres (19 ha).
Plenty of space for the seven sows and about 100 grow-finishers. The area, far away from any other pig farm, is about 48 acres (19 ha).

Presenting ‘local’ and ‘fair’ food is a growing trend for some US restaurants. They even say they know their farmers. So what does a local and fair farm look like? Pig Progress took a look at Anderson Farms near Madison, Georgia.

The feeding station comes with flaps to shield it off from unwanted rodents, deer or birds. The pigs know how to lift the lids.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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