Coming soon: one more antibiotic reduction webinar

11-12-2021 | | |
Illustration: Canva
Illustration: Canva

Following the success of this week’s Pig Progress webinar on antibiotic reduction, sister title All About Feed also delves into this theme. This last Misset webinar of 2021 will be broadcasted on Thursday, December 16 at 3pm CET.

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The webinar will explore the challenges around antibiotic reduction as well as opportunities to move away from antibiotic use in the livestock sector. Livestock disease management and the use of antibiotics has been in the spotlight over the last few years. The pressure is on to reduce antibiotics in livestock production and in doing so, it has a direct impact on the human health aspect. But, how is it possible to keep animals healthy while reducing antibiotic usage? What are the alternative solutions? What improvements can be made to address this pressing issue?

Focus on the sow and minerals

Dr Brad Lawrence, senior technical manager – pork business team North America at Novus, will zoom in on the sow, being the first step to successful antibiotic reduction in progeny. His presentation will spend attention to challenges when optimising pigs weaned per sow; how sows can be the first opportunity to overcome these challenges and how trace minerals can help in that respect.

Betaine, a nutritional aid

Ana Gavrău, global technical sales and innovation manager at Agrana, will talk about natural betaine. She will explain that betaine is a multi-functional nutrient, hence its application can result in gut health benefits, better performance and a higher production efficiency.

Antibiotic reduction in the USA

Dr David Thompson, extension educator for swine production at Michigan State University, USA, will have a presentation, titled “US meat/dairy industry efforts to reduce use of medically important antimicrobials.”

US farmers and commodity groups recognise importance of global One Health initiatives and are taking steps to help preserve the efficacy of medically important antimicrobials. He will discuss emerging technologies and practices to further reduce reliance on medically important antimicrobials.

Starting time of antibiotic reduction webinar

This webinar will be held on Thursday December 16, at 3pm CET. That translates to these times in the following time zones:

  • Darwin, NT, Australia: 11.30pm
  • Tokyo, Japan: 11pm
  • Beijing, China: 10pm
  • Bangkok, Thailand: 9pm
  • New Delhi, India: 7.30pm
  • Abu Dhabi, UAE: 6pm
  • Moscow, Russia: 5pm
  • Kyiv, Ukraine: 4pm
  • London, UK: 2pm
  • São Paulo, SP, Brazil: 11am
  • Atlanta, GA, USA: 9am
  • Des Moines, IA, USA: 8am
  • Los Angeles, CA, USA: 6am

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Van Dijk
Zana Van Dijk Editor Dairy Global