Most Spanish pig awards for Galicia community

Photos: Agencia Oinkers
Photos: Agencia Oinkers

The Spanish community Galicia has become the big winner in the annual pig awards ceremony. Spain, since a number of years Europe’s number #1 pig producing country, held its “Porc d’Or award” evening in Zaragoza, on November 29.

At the 31st edition of event, which was attended by 1,000 delegates, the autonomous community Galicia won 13 awards, closely followed by Catalonia (12) and Aragón (8). In total 9 awards went to Galicia’s Ourense province, 3 were won by A Coruña province, and the last one went to Pontevedra province.

The “Porc d’Or” gala is organised every year by the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA).

Porc d’Or Award with Diamond

Part of the ceremony forms the handing out of the so-called “special” awards. The Porc d’Or Award with Diamond is considered to be the highest award of those and was given to Ponte Coirós farm for its high production efficiency. The farm is located in Coirós, A Coruña province, Galicia.

Apart from the farm’s high production efficiency, the jury praised the farm’s high survival rate of suckling piglets, its census balance, the way it is handling the animals in all production phases and the professionalism of its caretakers. The farm uses data and clear protocols in all areas of the farm.

One Health Award for Benoiro

The “One Health” award, sponsored by Ceva Animal Health went to Granja Bendoiro, a farm in Lalín, Pontevedra province, Galicia. The farm is part of the Nudesa integration.

The jury praised the teamwork between farm staff and veterinarians to improve animal health, apply appropriate biosecurity measures, cleaning and disinfection, its meticulous vaccination plan, as well as strict control of the entry of external animals.

MAPA Porc d’Or Award for Sustainability

The Porc d’Or Award for Sustainability – supported by the Spanish ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food (MAPA) – went to Celanova, a farm within the Coren integration. The farm is located in Ourense province, Galicia.

Named after the town where it is located, Celanova (Ourense), the jury highlighted the farm’s biosecurity, cleanliness and health status of its animals. In addition, the farm has organised slurry management through a solid-liquid separation plant and application on the land of the farm where it is located. The jury also praised the farm’s animal welfare levels with enrichment, ventilation, natural lighting, free farrowing pens and overall good management.

In total, 37 farms from 6 autonomous Spanish communities won awards. The autonomous community Navarra took home 5 awards, and 4 awards went to Castilla y León. One award was given to a farm in Andalusia in the south of Spain.

ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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