USDA 2009 livestock predictions

12-03-2009 | |

Total US meat production for 2009 is forecast lower this month as a slight increase in red meat output is more than offset by lower poultry production.

Pork production is forecast slightly higher than last month as hog weights are increased slightly.© Higher than expected feeder pig imports in the last quarter of 2008 are expected to lead to© higher slaughter in the first half of the year but lower forecast hog imports in 2009 lead to reduced forecasts of second half slaughter.©

The beef production forecast is raised from last month as carcass weights are forecast higher.© In addition, cow slaughter is forecast higher as dairy herd liquidation is expected to increase during the year.©

Broiler production forecasts are lowered as hatchery data point to continued reductions in eggs set and chicks placed.© Turkey production is also forecast lower as there are no indications that hatchery flocks will expand before midyear.© Total egg production is forecast lower as a fractional increase in the first quarter table egg output is more than offset by lower forecast hatching egg production, which reflects reduced forecasts for broilers.©

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