US: Pork Checkoff prepares for H1N1

28-08-2009 | |

At this point, there is no H1N1 in the US swine herd, and the pork industry wants to keep it that way. That doesn’t mean the Pork Checkoff has abandoned its crisis management plans, however.

“As we head into fall, we’re working diligently to ensure that if H1N1 does get into the swine herd, it doesn’t impact consumers’ consumption of pork,” says Cindy Cunningham, assistant vice president of communications for the Pork Checkoff.©

The Pork Checkoff is maintaining its proactive stance to prepare for the possibility of H1N1 in the US swine herd by:
• Making sure that retailers and consumers continue to understand that pork is safe. Research proves that even if a pig does contract H1N1, the disease does not carry over into the meat, Cunningham says.
• Working with the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and the Centers for Disease Control so producers understand what to do on their operations if an H1N1 outbreak occurs. “Enhanced biosecurity protocols are so critical right now to keep our herds clean,” Cunningham says.
• Helping pork producers understand how their Checkoff played a role in the recovery from the H1N1 outbreak in the spring. “In any crisis situation, the key is to return to business as usual as quickly as possible,” Cunningham says. “We were committed to taking the necessary steps to address the H1N1 issue right from the start so producers could continue to sell their pigs and sell pork.”
• Scheduling webinars with packers, retailers, foodservice, ag media and dieticians. This fall, a representative from the Centers for Disease Control, as well as a representative from the National Animal Disease Center, will be presenting. The webinars will be recorded so producers can access them at a later date.©
• Offering third party-spokesperson training in September in Des Moines.
• Scheduling desk side visits with national media for the week of Sept. 21.©

Being able to communicate quickly with pork producers remains a key component of the H1N1 crisis management plan, Cunningham stresses.

“The one thing that would help us greatly is if pork producers would give us their e-mail addresses, which we would only use in a crisis situation like this. Then we can immediately reach them with the information they need.”

To share your e-mail address for this purpose, call the Pork Checkoff at 800-456-PORK (7675), or e-mail


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