Skov presenting energy efficient fan in Denmark

18-11-2009 | |

Pig housing company company Skov will present its new energy efficient fan at Agromek next week.

During the past few years, technology within fans has been based on triac-regulated, frequency-controlled or EC-controlled (ETA) fans. The newly introduced type, however, will have a different approach, leading to a reduced power consumption.

“We have designed a fan providing 40% energy savings compared with existing energy efficient fans on the market,” says the company’s technology manager Svend Morsing.

When developing the fan, focus was directed towards construction of an fan blade with an optimum aerodynamic design, introduction of a new low-energy motor technology and development of a purpose-designed intelligent controller.

Morsing continued, “Furthermore, improved pressure stability is incorporated into the newly developed fan. It is thus less sensitive as regards wind action compared with the frequency-controlled fans which today are used as energy efficient fans.”

The new fan will replace the stepless fan of the ventilation system. The new type will be ready for sale at the beginning of 2010.

Related website:
• Skov

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
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