Romania: pork exports may resume in 2009

21-11-2008 | |

The export of pork on the EU market might be resumed as of 2009 if the plan of ceasing vaccination against swine fever is approved by the European Commission (EC), Romanian Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Dacian Ciolos has said.

“I have asked the National Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Safety Authority (ANSVSA) to present, by year-end, a plan of ceasing vaccination against swine fever, as it is a main element in resuming export of pork in the EU, alongside strict control and hygiene measures. If this plan is approved by the EC, we will request the resuming of export from the regions where there are no hotbeds and there are safety controls,” Ciolos said.

Romania has asked the EC for permission to resume trade with pork within the EU as of this May. The EC has agreed to Romania’s ceasing vaccination against swine fever because of a low efficiency of the Marker vaccines used, following that the community funds allotted for vaccination to be used for strengthening of the bio-security measures in these farms.

The European norms say, “in a six months’ time since the cease of vaccination against the swine fever and if hotbeds are not registered during this time, Romania might be allowed to resume exports of pork on the EU market.”

Source: Financiarul

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