Pork processor Danish Crown posts strong interim results

20-05-2011 | |

A financially stable Danish Crown, Europe’s largest pork processor, has published solid results for the first half of financial year 2010/11. The outcome of the huge efforts made in the food group in recent years is reflected directly in the results.

The group posted revenue of DKK 24.7 billion (€3.3 billion) in the first half year against DKK 21.8 billion (€2.9 billion) last year. Net profit in the first half year was DKK 742 million (€99 million) compared with DKK 661 million (€89 million) last year.

The competitive prices have meant an increased supply of slaughter animals, a major contribution to higher revenue and increased volume.

Current stability
Kjeld Johannesen, Danish Crown CEO, said: “Danish Crown’s current stability is extremely valuable to the group, and the results meet our expectations, when factoring in the acquisitions made in the past year.” He explained that Danish Crown at the moment is slaughtering 21,000 pigs more a week in Denmark than during the same period last year, and this contributes to reducing direct costs in the Danish companies.

Kjeld Johannesen pointed out, however, that challenges are expected – also in the short term. “We need to continue our hard work to ensure competitive prices for our owners, and the rising prices in the market may pose challenges for the company’s processing activities, which make up 40% of revenue,” he said.

Tulip Food Company
Although the processing companies generated good results in the first half year, the increased raw material prices may temporarily put a damper on earnings in the second half year, explained Flemming Enevoldsen, CEO of Tulip Food Company.

Enevoldsen said: “Like virtually all other food production companies, we have seen significant price increases in respect of raw materials as well as packaging and transport in 2011. Together with a strong Danish krone, this will result in higher consumer prices, which all in all will add to the pressure on Danish food production.”

Tulip Food Company’s acquisition of the processing plant in Germany last year contributed to the positive results for the first six months.

Almost all parts of the group returned satisfactory results – pork, beef, processing and trade are posting the expected results, while DAT-Schaub is reporting excellent results. In Sweden, on the other hand, earnings were weaker in the first half year of financial year 2010/11.

During the period, Danish Crown acquired Germany’s fourth-largest pig slaughterhouse, and the results from the first months there serve as a modest boost to consolidated results.

The first half year also saw marked growth in DC Beef. During the period, prices rose by 13%, which also means an increasing number of slaughterings, which saw a 12% increase.

Lorenz Hansen, managing director of DC Beef, said: “It is highly positive that Danish Crown constitutes an attractive choice for Danish cattle producers. In our line of business, volume is crucial for satisfactory cost levels, and the increase in prices we have been seeing reflects the current market.”

Being an international business, Danish Crown is constantly affected by external events, which may pose challenges and thus affect results.

Johannesen said: “We are operating in a sensitive market, and it is therefore important that we continuously adapt our expectations to the actual conditions. Right now, for example, we are seeing exchange rate fluctuations which, in the longer term, may impact results, but we will not be seeing the effect of this until after the end of the second half of the financial year 2010/11.”

Related website:
Danish Crown

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world
