Pig Progress 2: PEDv & China

24-02-2014 | |
Pig Progress 2: PEDv & China

The second edition of Pig Progress in 2014 has a heavy emphasis on North America as well as China.

North America is in the spotlight due to the ongoing outbreaks of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) virus. In an excellent contribution, Bernie Peet discusses what needs to be done to keep out and control PED virus in Canada, as the disease crosses borders to the north.

With PED around, many US pig farms are keeping their doors to visitors closed. An exception is organic farms, keeping pigs outdoors anyway. Pig Progress therefore went out in the fields to sniff a little bit of atmosphere at an outdoor farm producing pork for local restaurants in Georgia.

When looking East, the current pig status in China is discussed by Alex Eggen, and he talks about recent challenges and opportunities in the Chinese market.

Talking about China, it is about time that Shuanghui (Shineway) is portrayed a little bit better. This issue dives deeper into the background and motives of this company.

The French are also moving into the Chinese pig market – this issue tells the stories of pig cooperative Cooperl and animal nutrition company Adisseo.

That – and much more – you can find in the latest issue.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world