Pig Progress 10 dives into water

08-12-2014 | |
Pig Progress 10 dives into water

The tenth and last issue of Pig Progress is now available online and takes a deep dive into the theme of water.

Water is vital for pigs to survive – just like any organism on this planet, pigs exist for a large part of water. No wonder then that a lot of water is needed to keep them going. It is a delicate game to give them the right amounts though, as giving too much these days is not an option either. Spilling after all is not only bad for your wallet, but also for the environment. So how to avoid that? Prof Peter Brooks explains.

Pigs not getting enough water, however, is a problem of a different dimension. Gel feeding might be an option to reduce the chances of dehydration, explains Dan McManus.

This month’s farm visit once more takes a look at a Danish farm. Denmark, as is well known, is combining a very prolific output with stringent welfare and environmental laws. And where the laws only appear to become more stringent, the Danish go that extra mile to combine it with becoming even more prolific. Research done on Krannestrup’s breeding farm helps achieve that goal.

There is plenty of attention for South Africa’s pig industry in this issue as well. During Pig Progress’ jubilee year 2014, we thus took a look in China, Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa – and provided a good overview of what is happening in the BRICS countries. Veterinarian Dr Pieter Grimbeek gives you a closer look behind the scenes.

The issue dives into plenty of topics related to pig health as well – some of the latest Salmonella control as well as a graphical presentation on mycotoxin occurrence in Europe’s 2014 corn harvest can be found in this issue.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world