Norsvin innovation boosts profits

25-04-2008 | |
Norsvin innovation boosts profits

Pork producers in the US and around the world benefit from Norsvin’s innovative genetic evaluation, according to the company.

In March Norsvin implemented computer tomography (CT) in the new boar testing facility near Hamar, Norway. Norsvin now CT scans 3,500 live boars annually, contributing the highest accuracy possible to genetic improvement and selection, says the company.
The new facility expands the number of boars evaluated annually from 2,500 to 3,500 boars. Norsvin scientists predict an annual increase in genetic improvement of 30% for terminal lines and 17% for maternal lines, providing improved feed efficiency, lean meat yield and sow productivity.
The power of CT for carcass and meat quality measures is combined with FIRE system feeders capturing growth and feed efficiency data.
Less than 3% of the 3,500 boars tested are selected as nucleus level Elite boars, contributing semen to Norsvin nucleus herds in the US, Scandinavia and Europe.
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