Maple Leaf CEO meets workers

25-10-2006 | |

The CEO of Maple Leaf Foods has assured workers at a closing pig plant in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada they won’t be left in the lurch.

This week Michael McCain met with approximately 65 Mitchell’s Gourmet Foods employees at a local hotel.
Maple Leaf owns Mitchell’s; recently the plant’s 450 workers were told that the plant will be closing down in just over a year.
McCain said that the company would try to protect workers when it shuts down the plant, however, no specifics were given about the workers’ future.
Maple Leaf recently announced it was also scrapping plans for a new US $97-million pork plant in Saskatoon’s north industrial area.
McCain said Maple Leaf will continue to do business in the province of Saskatchewan but he said the company has been hurt by the high Canadian dollar.
”We have to take the steps required to compete with the US industry and that’s primarily what we’re doing,” he said.
Related website:
• Maple Leaf Foods
Previous news on this item:
• Expert says Maple Leaf move makes sense (17 Oct 2006)

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