Genesus sends swine genetics to Russia

16-04-2008 | |

Genesus has announced the successful delivery of a Four Plane Shipment of swine genetics to Kuban AgroHolding of Krasnodar, Russia.

Kuban AgroHolding is a large agricultural complex with 70,000 hectares with over 5,000 employees, 10 agrarian enterprises which include swine production and pork processing.

Genesus Swine Genetics has the largest registered purebred herd in the world. It is Canada’s premier source of excellent health and high performance swine genetics.

“Genesus thanks Kuban AgroHolding for its confidence in our genetics and people. We look forward to many years of cooperation. Russia is rapidly expanding its domestic pork production; Kuban AgroHolding will be a major producer and leader in technology adoption”, said Jim Long, president and ceo.

Related website:

• Genesus Swine Genetics

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