Foot and Mouth Disease causes the death of 45,000 animals in Vietnam

27-06-2011 | |
Foot and Mouth Disease causes the death of 45,000 animals in Vietnam

In a recent news report it stated that a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak affected 39 provinces in Vietnam. The number of animals which have died or been destroyed thus far includes 37,760 pigs.

In addition to the pigs there were 5,000 buffalos, 938 cows, and 329 goats that have also been affected.
Hoang Van Nam, head of the department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development stated that locals and authorities did not closely manage the epidemic hot spots and did not destroy diseased cattle as instructed, which is why the disease has spread so fast recently.
The Animal Health Department has urged provinces roll out programmes for disease prevention, to organise vaccinations for 2011, and has also pushed for the use the correct vaccines as the virus strains evolve continuously.
The country is aiming is to contain FMD disease by the year 2015 and is keeping a watchful eye on the disease.
The figures regarding the animals affected, were made known by the Animal Health Department on 24 June in Hanoi.


Source: VOVNews

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