Farmers protest against soybean tax increase

27-03-2008 | |

Tractors and large agricultural equipment blocked a key junction outside of the capital Buenos Aires to protest against increased export taxes on soybeans.

A truck was also set on fire and soybeans were dumped on the road.

In the central agricultural region of Pampa, similar strikes and protests were organised.

The farmers are protesting against an increase in export taxes on soyabeans and corn.

A leading politician, Alberto Fernández, criticised these reactions to the government’s decision, calling them “completely inappropriate” as agriculture within the country has been booming in the last few years. Farmers have profited from high prices for these commodiites.

Rodrigo Miro, spokesperson for the farmers’ association, has called for an extension of the blockades if the government does not enter negotiations.

Agriculture minister, Javier de Urguiza, has stated , however, that the government will only commence talks once the strikes have ended.

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