EUROTIER: Vitamex – pig products presented
Vitamex Group presents pig product innovations at Eurotier…
Vitamex will be present in hall 15, booth B37 and will introduce the following innovations:
Vitadys -©©against dysentery in pigs
Shellbiotic – for better quality eggs
Safina – the prestarter pellet for piglets
Aromabiotic – MCFA Cattle for cattle
Besides these product innovations, Vitamex is also introducing its renewed organisation. Because of the expressed growth ambitions in both the functional feed ingredients segment and the premixes and concentrates, Vitamex will continue to market its products and know-how internationally through two dedicated business units.
The functional feed ingredients like the Aromabiotic MCFA product range, enzymes and mycotoxin-binders are supported and promoted through the business unit FFI (Functional Feed Ingredients) since Oct 1st. The business unit PCC (Premixes, Concentrates & Concepts) is focusing on the sales, marketing and support of the premixes, concentrates and nutritional concepts, ex. for piglets (Babito, Safina) and sows (Vitasow). Vitamex is convinced that this product & market-oriented focus will generate extra value for its business partners.
Vitamex emphasises ‘safe & innovative’ nutrition and aims to continuously improve and expand its nutritional knowledge in the pig, poultry and cattle segments in order to give its customers more than expected.
*Eurotier will be held from 16th till 19th of November and opens daily from 9AM till 6PM.
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