Enhance sow performance – species-specific blend of essential oils

28-01-2010 | |

Today’s sows are very prolific and produce greater numbers of developing foetus, which require increased concentration of nutrients in the blood stream.

The development of the suckling piglets and the sow condition is generally related directly to feed intake during lactation.
digestarom 1310 is a species-specific blend of essential oils and other extracts from herbs and spices. The product not only positively influences sow feed intake but also the digestibility of nutrients, in particular, crude protein (Nitrayova, et al 2008). In addition, there is a stabilising effect on the gastrointestinal flora and stimulation of the body’s own immune system.
New scientific research and field trials have demonstrated sow benefits of an average 0.5 kg extra feed intake per day in lactation; daily production of up to 1.5 litres more milk per day; less weight loss; fewer teat problems; in the order of 0.5 more piglets weaned; and, overall, higher weaning weights. The litters were more homogenous with higher litter weights and 30 to 50% fewer stillborn piglets.

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