Danish agriculture wants more contact with Danes

26-10-2011 | |
Danish agriculture wants more contact with Danes

At a presentation at the Danish Pig Research Centre’s Annual Meeting & Congress yesterday, chairman Niels Joergen Pedersen and managing director Carl Aage Dahl told the participators how Danish Agriculture & Food Council wants to get into closer contact with the rest of the Danes. The Danish Agriculture & Food Council represents the farming and food industry in Denmark including businesses, trade and farmers’ associations.

“We have a unique situation where we have the whole value chain collected in one organisation. We represent only two percent of the total population in Denmark but we contribute with a great value for the economics. Due to that, we don’t get a lot of credit for our work,” said the chairman.
Therefore Danish Agroculture & Food Council earlier this year launched a huge campaign with the purpose of getting closer to the Danes outside of agriculture. The campaign is called: The new story.
“Outwardly, we have to appear more positive and internally we have to put action behind our words. The more people recognise the good in agriculture, the easier it will be to get the Danes on our side,” said Dahl.
He pointed out how important it is that the agricultural industry signals their engagement in animal welfare, and that it is important that we listen to our surroundings.
Both the chairman and the managing director said that it is important that Danish Agriculture & Food Council is highlighted when it comes to subjects like animal welfare and the environment, so that there is a better image among the Danes.
(By Asger Kjær Nielsen)

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