Chinese pork producers tour US swine farms

09-06-2009 | |

The US Grains Council sponsored two teams of swine managers from China and Taiwan to travel to the United States recently to attend the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, as well as attend educational courses and tour US swine farms.

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey said, “It was a very good meeting with pork producers from across China and Taiwan who are interested in a wide variety of Iowa products, from equipment to genetics. They are looking forward to building relationships with Iowa and learning from the expertise of our pork producers.”

Low production efficiency of swine operations in China and Taiwan has been identified as a major constraint, hindering their ability to expand to higher levels of commercial scale hog production. Travelling to the United States will allow these swine managers and veterinarians to gain a better perspective of successful US hog production practices as well as disease control management.

Roger Zylstra, Iowa Corn Growers Association board member, who also attended the meeting, said, “US farmers have a vested interest in the increase of efficient hog production in China and Taiwan. An increase in their hog production matches an increase in their need for feed grains and co-products. As we build relationships, we are able to show them that US farmers are a reliable, sustainable supplier of feed, food and fibre.”

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