Chinese pork imports for 2012 are forecasted to be similar to those of 2011. It is estimated to be between 1 and 1.1 million tonnes.
Ma Chuang, vice chairman of the Chinese Animal Agriculture Association (CAAA), told Dutch agricultural magazine Boerderij that the Chinese pork sector is decreasing. He said the decrease of traditional backyard farming is stronger than the growth of professional pig farms at the moment.
He added that this does not mean that the total production output is decreasing strongly. Imports in the most recent quarter have been a lot bigger than a year before. The chairman said that in the last quarter, imports have been of a substantial bigger volume than one year earlier. At the moment, however, he said they are back at an old, familiar level, as nowadays pig producers can deliver more quickly due to price decreases.
As for outbreaks of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD), Ma Chuang is not worried, saying that these would not be as widespread as suggested by Rabobank in its latest report.
He added that vaccination programmes have been initiated, to control both diseases.