Canada: Pork producers donate to help hungry over festive season

24-12-2010 | |
Canada: Pork producers donate to help hungry over festive season

Two of Manitoba’s largest pork producers joined with Manitoba Pork Council to present $4,000 to Southeast Helping Hands (SHH) in Steinbach. This generous donation, which occurred earlier this month, will allow SHH to purchase meat for hungry families, among other food items.

Maple Leaf Agri-Farms and Hytek Ltd. each contributed $1,000 toward the total donation, matching the $2,000 that is allocated annually to Manitoba’s pork production districts as part of MPC’s local philanthropy program.
Don Janzen of Hytek, Glen Gratton of Maple Leaf and Susan Riese of Manitoba Pork personally handed the cheque to Hank Klassen of SHH during the annual “Build a Mountain of Toys” event at the Steinbach Canadian Tire store.
Hampers over Christmas season
“With help from the community and generous donations like this, we will be delivering 800 to 850 hampers to needy families this Christmas,” says Klassen.
Each year, MPC allocates $1,000 to each of its producer districts to contribute to a deserving cause of the district delegates’ choice. A number of pork producers also donate hogs to Southeast Helping Hands on an ongoing basis.
“Feeding people is our business, but Manitoba Pork also believes it is our business to help our fellow Manitobans,” says Riese.
Manitoba’s 800 hog farmers …Caring for animals. Protecting the environment. Producing quality pork.

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