Brasil Foods’ new pork plant targets Asian countries

19-09-2011 | |

A newly inaugurated Brasil Foods pork plant in Campos Novos, Santa Caterina state targets the Japanese and Chinese food markets.

The plant, built together with local farming cooperative Copercampos, was opened in the end of last week last week, Valor Econômico reported.

Wilson Mello Neto, Brasil Foods’ vice president of corporate affairs told the publication that the new plant, built in partnership with local farming cooperative Copercampos, will boost the company’s total pig slaughter capacity, which now is about 40,000 pigs per day, by 10%.

Green light for China
For China, green light has already been given, after a successful visit there earlier this year by Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff. Brasil Foods considers the country a great growth opportunity for pork.

After having sent a trade and inspection group to the southern Brazilian state earlier this month, Japan will respond within 90 days about whether the country will open its doors to Brazilian pork. Neto added that new markets are paramount for sustainable corporate growth while Russia keeps on maintaining an embargo.

Plant characteristics
The new plant covers an area of 172 hectares, with 32,000 m2 of covered area. To start operations, 1,000 pigs will be slaughtered daily, a number that will increase to 7,000 on a daily basis by the end of next year.

The two parties together made a total investment of Brasilian $145 million (US$84.5 million). The new plant is expected to generate 1,800 direct jobs and 450 indirect jobs.

The plant will produce cuts of fresh pork and generate accessory food products for other processed foods produced by BRF plants. The plant is expected to process approximately 151,000 metric tons of pork annually, most of which will be exported.

Related websites:
Brasil Foods (in Portuguese)
Valor Econômico (in Portuguese)

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world