BPEX marketing head retires
After 20 years working first for MLC then later for BPEX, Chris Lamb has decided to retire. Chris, head of marketing for BPEX, has spent almost all his career in the food industry.
Initially he worked for Brooke Bond Oxo on a range of brands including Oxo and Fray Bentos, he then moved into the poultry industry with Swift Butterball. Here he developed a wide range of successful added value fresh and frozen chicken and turkey products.
He was then poached by the brand leader, Bernard Matthews, to be marketing director.
Since joining MLC in 1992 he has been responsible for major communication programmes including The Recipe for Love TV campaign, the Beef Recovery Programme, post BSE and a wide range of consumer issues from e-coli and GMO’s to FMD and Avian Influenza.
BPEX Director Mick Sloyan said: “The industry owes Chris a debt for the hard work he has put in and his ability to achieve so much with so little.
“He headed up the BPEX involvement in the Pigs Are Worth It campaign which led to the infamous pig farmers’ anthem ‘Stand by Your Ham’! This resulted in winning two major international awards within the advertising industry.
“He has also been at the forefront of defending the industry from attack and we all wish him well in his retirement.”
Chris said: “I’ve been lucky enough to have had a fantastic career working with some great people and have thoroughly enjoyed my 20 years at MLC/BPEX. The pig industry in England has a great future and I’m sure the BPEX Marketing team will play their part in this.”
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