BPEX: DAPP to stay in current form

13-11-2009 | |

Following discussions by the BPEX board, it has been decided the Deadweight Average Pig Price (DAPP) is to continue in its current form.

Consideration had been given to providing an analysis of the DAPP sample into formula and weekly-priced pigs. However, the board concluded this would not provide a significant benefit to any part of the pig meat supply chain.

The DAPP provides a historical average price, weight and probe of pigs from participating abattoirs. The DAPP currently represents more than 50% of weekly pig slaughterings in Great Britain.

BPEX Director Mick Sloyan said: “We are firmly of the opinion that DAPP is solely to provide a historical benchmark of prices paid and is not designed to be used for price setting.”

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