Boehringer Ingelheim IPVS Symposium 2014

04-06-2014 | |
Boehringer Ingelheim IPVS Symposium 2014

Innovative swine health solutions to improve pig health and optimise pig production will be the key focus of the Boehringer Ingelheim IPVS Symposium 2014.

World leading veterinarians from research, veterinary service, integrated production and the pharmaceutical industry will share their most innovative approaches for disease prevention and contribute their experience to a fruitful discussion:

Prevention – what does it take?

Katharina Staerk, SAFOSO Inc., Bern, Switzerland

Using Diagnostics in the Formulation of Prevention Decisions

Aaron J. Lower, Carthage Veterinary Service, Ltd., Carthage, USA

From Knowledge to Solutions

Joel Nerem, Pipestone Veterinary Services, Pipestone, USA

Vaccination, a cornerstone of the comprehensive swine health strategy

Jean Paul Cano, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc., St. Joseph, USA

Simultaneous translations will be provided in Chinese (Mandarin) and Spanish. The symposium will be held on the 9th of June in Mexico, during the congress of the International Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS).

The IPVS is an association of specialists in pig health and production and strives for the international exchange of knowledge.


*** Simultaneous translat ion provided: Chinese (Mandarin) and Spanish.


Symposium details:

Prevention works

9 June 2014, Cancún

Arena Center, Moon Palace Resort

Room E, 16.30 h – 18.00 h

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