Big Dutchman signs deal involving pig equipment for South Korea
Big Dutchman is pleased to welcome BongDong to the Big Dutchman agent family. On Sep 4th 2010, at the Big Dutchman booth at VIV China, Mr. Cho Youngil president BongDong signed a dealership agreement with Mr. Magnus Westerkamp, managing director Big Dutchman Pig Equipment.
Bong Dong will represent Big Dutchman pig equipment in the South Korean Market.© “This agreement with Bong Dong represents a significant thrust in our Asia strategy,” said Marc Broadbent,©managing director Big Dutchman Pig Equipment Asia.© “We are pleased to be working with Big Dutchman” said Mr. Cho Youngil, managing director Bong Dong. ©“Big Dutchman’s strong presence in Asia together with their quality and service will accelerate our position in the market as a leading dealer of high quality equipment.”
Big Dutchman©works©with a dense network of agents and distributors on all five continents. These resellers operate their own local businesses carrying spare parts in local warehouses©with qualified sales and after sales service technicians.
Big Dutchman has developed feeding, ventilation and housing equipment for modern pig and poultry management since 1938. ©The company©offers practical, economical and environment-friendly equipment to produce high-protein food.©
BongDong is the daughter company of Harim Group. ©Bongdong Co., Ltd. was founded in 1997. ©It©operates the pig production units of BongDong, Farmsco and Sunjin.©©Harim Group is one of Korea’s largest Agri-Food organisations.
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