Australia’s pig industry will be reviewing the PigPass National Vendor Declaration (NVD) scheme.
PigPass was implemented in July 2006 as part of a pig traceability system designed to meet the national performance standards for livestock traceability.
The review of the current version, PigPass NVD Version 2, hopes to get feedback from all those people and institutions who are involved in pig production.
It will also incorporate outcomes of other initiatives such as a risk assessment of stockfeed and feed ingredients presently being conducted by Australian Pork Limited.
It is hoped that the review will mainly focus on the operational experience and feedback from all sectors of the industry that have used, or had some association with, PigPass NVD Versions 1 and 2 over the past six months.
All these elements have to improve PigPass Version 3, planned to be launched between April-May 2007.