Australia: Slaughter practices investigated following pig welfare complaints
The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has launched a full investigation into slaughter practices at a Victorian abattoir following serious animal welfare complaints concerning the slaughter of pigs.
The investigation will be focusing on potential breaches of the Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals Act 1986 in relation to video footage allegedly taken inside an abattoir in Gippsland
DPI is working closely with PrimeSafe Victoria – which is the authority responsible for the
licensing of all Victorian domestic abattoirs.
PrimeSafe has ordered the owners of the abattoir to cease operations and has suspended
their licence pending a full investigation.
As the matter is currently the subject of a PrimeSafe investigation in relation to possible
breaches of the Meat Industry Act 1993 and DPI inspectors are preparing a separate
investigation under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986, DPI cannot comment
further on the details of the complaint.
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18-11-2024 |
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