AB Vista strengthens its team in South Asia and UK
The AB Vista South Asia office is starting 2012 with a new addition to bolster its team, whilst the UK office announces an important promotion.
Susmita Pandit joined AB Vista’s South Asian office in India on 16 January, taking on the role of supply chain, sales and marketing coordinator. Based in Pune, Susmita is to take on a variety of responsibilities, coordinating everything from sales and marketing activities in South Asia to the distribution and import of products. She will also be supporting AB Vista’s accountancy team and managing the collection of payments from customers. Prior to joining AB Vista, Susmita held the position of director’s PA at one of Pune’s top business schools.
At the same time, Dr. Heidi Burrows, previously regulatory manager of the UK office has been promoted to regulatory director in the UK. Upon activation of her new role, Heidi will have been with AB Vista for four years. Her new role sees her take directorial responsibility for regulatory affairs, quality assurance, intellectual property and sustainability.
Richard Cooper, managing director of AB Vista commented, “AB Vista is committed to offering a world class service to its customers. The recruitment of Susmita and the promotion of Heidi are two excellent examples of the focus that AB Vista has on building a strong partnership with our customers, increasing our ability to serve them better.”
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