Two new outbreaks of ASF reported in Russia

08-11-2013 | | |
Two new outbreaks of ASF reported in Russia

Two new outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) have been recently registered in the Volgograd region and Rostov region of Russia.

Experts of the Volgograd regional veterinary laboratory identified, on the 31st October, the ASF virus in samples taken from the 55 carcasses of pigs, which had been left by some person(s) unknown away from the populated areas, according to the press-release by the regional department, reported the Russian veterinary service Rosselhoznadzor.

“Carcasses of animals aged 5-8 months were found Wednesday in Chernishkovski area of Volgograd region in 3 kilometers away from the administrative border with the Rostov region. They were found by the hunters. Experts of Volgograd Regional Veterinary Laboratory took five samples of pathological material, and all of them gave positive results for ASF,” the report said.

Also in Novotsimlyanskoy village of theTsymlyansk district of Rostov region in one of the private households 12 pigs has been recently found dead. Samples of pathological material of dead animals tested by regional veterinary laboratory gave positive results on ASF. Measures have now been taken in the village to prevent any further spread of the infection.

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Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent