Polish Gov. to allocate funds to pig farms

14-03-2014 | | |
Polish Gov. to allocate funds to pig farms

The Minister of Agriculture, Stanislaw Kalemba, has confirmed that compensation for Polish pig-farmers caught up in the African Swine Fever (ASF) crisis will be co-financed by the EU and Poland.

However, compensation will only be given to pig farmers in the buffer zone created last month along the border with Belarus and Lithuania, where cases of ASF were detected.

“We want to get this under way as soon as possible,” Kalemba told reporters after a meeting at the EU Council headquarters in Brussels.

“The compensation will be 50% from European Union, and 50% from European resources.” Russia introduced an embargo on EU pork products on 29 January, with cases of ASF emerging in wild boars in Lithuania and Poland, near the Belarusian border.

Poland is one of the biggest EU exporters of pork, and farmers have been selling products for lower prices since the outbreak was detected. According to official information during the last month the pork prices in the country dropped by about 20%.

The compensation will cover the differences in sale prices, with farmers obliged to provide documentation of each sale.

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Vladislav Vorotnikov Eastern Europe correspondent
