New retrofit PRRS filter backed up by research

18-11-2014 | | |
New retrofit PRRS filter backed up by research

Research by the University of Leipzig is supporting one of Big Dutchman’s latest innovations, a retrofit filter against Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus.

The innovation, shown last week at EuroTier, significantly reduces the risk of infection. APT 1500 is used with a positive pressure ventilation system and is designed specifically for wall inlets with an air capacity of 1,500 m3/h. The filtered fresh air is pushed into the house by means of an integrated, energy-saving fan. The new PRRS filter is the first system for decentralised fresh air distribution – and can thus be retrofitted for existing houses.

The risk of infection is particularly high in regions with a large livestock density: the PRRS virus can be transmitted from house to house via the air and is able to cover distances of several kilometres if there is a light breeze.

Analyses by the University of Leipzig have shown that this Big Dutchman innovation filters up to 95% of PRRS virus particles. An additional positive effect on animal health: Other airborne pathogens are also filtered from the air.

Maintenance requirements are very low and the filter can be replaced easily, which is a great advantage for the day-to-day work. APT 1500 consists of a combination of two separate filter inserts. The cassettes can be replaced during operation.

No unfiltered air enters the house during this time. The innovation is relatively inexpensive with regard to installation and operating costs.

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ter Beek
Vincent ter Beek Editor of Pig Progress / Topic: Pigs around the world